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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  September 18, 2015 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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captioning funded by cbs good morning, it is friday, september 18th, 2015. welcome to centimeter. donald trump faces new criticism for what he did not say at a town hall meeting. candidate bernie sanders is here to explain his jump in the polls. the president of iran gives his first western interview to "60 minutes." plus protecting the people's pope. how the pope could push the boundaries during his first visit to america. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. it's called muslims. we know our curnt presidesnt i one.
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you know he's not even an american. >> we need this question -- this first question. >> donald trump under fire for staying silent. >> trump did nothing to correct a questioner who stated president obama is muslim. >> if you're an actual leader, you don't just pander to every loud-mouth in your audience. hillary clinton responding to the aksttac aimed at her during the cnn republican debate. >> you know, this is just a silly season. a militaryri heang began to army sergeant bowe bergdahl if he will face a military trial for desertion. a video going viral stopped for jaywalking. >> a 16-year-old thrown to the grounds. a school bus in florida >>nded on its side in a . lake es> prident obama welcomed three american heroes to the white house. >> we want to say thank you to them for making america look so good. >> one of the sweetest episodes
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of the kiss camera you'll ever see. >> great to see the president back at the ballpark. >> all that in. >>n "otter" news. >> the seattle aquarium is traininger to breathe through an inhaler so shean c breathe. >> jamaal charles fumbles. it's in the end zone for a touchdown for the broncos. >> this crowd cannot believe it. >> all that matters. >> they challenge me to kick a oaeld goal in front of 0065,0 d klanraider fans. >> on "cbs this morning." cameras were rolling as new york's timothy cardinal dolan unveiled the pope's official chair. i give you the late show pope chair. you want humble? that's humble. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. ♪
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welcome to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off and vinita nair is with us. a unique twist this morning in the 2015 republican presidential race. donald trump's critics are blasting him, not for what he said, but what he did not say. one of his supporters in new hampshire repeated a well-known lie about president obama's faith. the republican presidential front-runner did not challenge it. >> democratic candidate hillary clinton hammered trump his reaction. nancy cordes is in washington with another reminder on the campaign. >> reporter: one tends to forget well before trump was a presidential candidate, he was the poster child for the birther movement, repeatedly questioning whether the president was born here in the united states. so when that questioner at his town hall called the president a foreigner and a muslim, trump did nothing to correct him. >> it's called muslims. we know our current president is one. you know he is not even an
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american. >> we need this question -- this first question -- >> but any way! wave training camps rolling where they want to kill us. >> uh-huh? >> that is my question. when can we get rid of them? >> we will be looking at a lot of different things. a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying bad things are happening out and we will look at that a lot of different contains. >> reporter: compare that to 2007 when john mccain handled a similar question in 2008. >> >> here's an arab. >> no, ma'am. he is a family man and a citizen i happen to have disagreements with. >> reporter: hillary clinton tweeting donald trump not discounting false statements about potus and hateful rhetoric about muslims is disturbing and just plain wrong. cut it out.
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>> everything thinks she made a good speech yesterday. i don't get it. >> reporter: he wasn't the only one who seemed to have sour grapes. this was wisconsin governor scott walker in a radio interview. >> i think going in, we knew the narrative no matter what was going to happen was that they were going to say carly had a big night, no matter what. >> reporter: fiorina herself made the most of her buzz but she did make criticism of mischaracterizing the sting videos shot by planned parenthood on. >> i declare hillary clinton and barack obama to watch these tapes. watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain! >> reporter: politifact rated her statement mostly false because the footage was stock footage from an outside group and not footage known to have
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been recorded at planned parenthood. >> how is trump's campaign responding to this? are they going to say anything different? >> their campaign manager says that trump didn't essentially hear that question last night which doesn't seem to be the case. can you see him in that video nodding along with the questioner saying, we need that question first. but this is only going to give more fodder to his opponents and not just hillary clinton, but his republican opponents who had been making the argument on the debate stage out on the campaign trail that he doesn't have the tre temperament or the graph graph tos to be press. >> john dickerson will be interviewing hillary clinton and her first interview on "face the nation." it airs sunday morning on cbs. senate republicans thursday conceded defeat after losing one final vote. but house speaker john boehner is considering legal action. "60 minutes" correspondents
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steve kroft just returned to iran. he spoke with iran's president and the first interview with him since july's agreement. here is a preview of sunday's report. >> reporter: i'm sure you realize that it is difficult for many americans to get past the fact that president obama has signed an agreement with a country that says death to america, death is real. how do you explain this? what are they to make of it? are they to take it literally? is this for domestic internal iranian political consumption? whatgç are americans to make o it, the language? [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: this slogan that is chanted is not a slogan against the american people. our people respect the american people. the iranian people are not looking for war with any country but, at the same time, the policies of the united states have been against the national
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interests of iranian people. it's understandable that people will demonstrate sensitivity to this issue. when the people rose up against the shah, the united states aggressively respected the shah until the last moments. in the eight-year world with iraq, the people responded saddam. >> steve kroft is here. good morning. >> claeharlie, good morning. >> let's take a look what the president said. what did he say about iranians reaction to the deal? >> well, there has been as much ferocious negative comments about the deal in iran as there have been here in the united states. i'm not sure most people realize that. but it's been, you know, the hard liners and various groups and factions that have benefited from this long situation with the united states are upset about some of the possibilities of change.
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there are two things really being said. there is what ayatollah which is saying which is still very hard line and rouhani are saying and much more moderates and i think they are both talking with their constituencies within the country. >> they are supporting the deal -- beyond the deal? >> absolutely. and believes -- and i think rouhani, the president said he believes he will approve and what is going on in the bitter debate is expected to be a pretty bitter debate in the parliament next week, regardless what happens, that the deal is going to go through and the hardliners will fall. >> what does this mean for the future of u.s./iranian relations? >> it's hard to say. i think the iranians want to be slowly. the ayatollah saying no future koom cooperation on anything other than this deal but some coordination is going on right now between the shiite muslims
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in iraq and u.s. air support. there is probably a role for the united states and iran to discuss and i'm sure back channel negotiations are going on now to talk about what is going on in syria. >> do you think any opportunities for american investment in that region? >> i think the opportunities are there or will be there but it's interesting to see whether they are taken advantage of. president rouhani essentially rolled out the red carpet and said tourism. we would like to americans over here and like for iranians to go to america and we think that would help bolster the relationship. very, you know, remarkable change between rouhani and the past president. a lot has happened there in the past year. >> you can watch steve's full report sunday on susan mcginn"6"
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bowe bergdahl was released last year in a controversial prisoner exchange. omar villafranca is in san antonio where bergdahl lawyers are raising questions about their client's mental health. omar, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the article 32 hearing going on here this morning will determine if bergdahl should face a military trial for charges that could send him to prison for the rest of his life. army sergeant bowe bergdahl looked tired and skinny more than a year ago soon after he was released in exchange for five taliban militants but at thursday's preliminary hearing the 29-year-old looked rested as he walked to court in his blue dress uniform. bergdahl is charged with desertion and misbehaving before the enany. he disappeared from his post in afghanistan on june 30th, 2009 and was captured by taliban fighters. bergdahl's platoon including
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cornelius spent two months looking for him. >> it's crazy to think somebody would leave in this super hostile environment that they would purposely walk away. >> reporter: bergdahl's commanding officer captain john billings describes the missing soldier. he said he was emotionally busted and failed he his men but added no one died during the mission. they say bergdahl had a mental dissect. his lawyer is pushing for transcripts to be released hinting that it may shed light on the soldier's mental state. >> once the general public is able to study that, they will have a better sense of what this is all about. >> reporter: at least one fellow soldier believes bergdahl deserves life in prison for leaving his post.
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>> if he is found guilty for anything less than that, i think it's an absolute slap in the face and atrocity to everybody else who has seruved honorly. >> reporter: everything from this article 32 hearing will be compiled into a report and the commanding officer of the u.s. army forces command, brahms will be the one to determine if this is to go for a further trial. thousands took a detour when hungary closed its border. neighboring countries are doing the same. mark phillips is in the border town of croatia where the terror is tearing families apart. >> reporter: when one door seems to open for these refuges, another one seems to slam shut. just a day ago, the route to salvation seemed to pass through here, croatia. now it's become just another road block on this trail of despair. the refuges came to croatia
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because the route through hungary next door was blocked. the violence in the middle of the week when hungary shut the border and started a migration to croatia but it lasted a day. after an unflux of what they say was more than 8,000 migrants in that day the croatiians are closing their border too and even those who managed to get across to the despair here has been added chaos. as buses, not enough buses, are being brought in to take the migrants to reception camps, people swarmed them. as police started taking women and children first, families became separated. one thing the families of refuges have managed to do in their harrowing travel was stay together. now many are being split apart. this morning, police have been trying to restore order. the refuges have been told to line up here for buses and that
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is what they have done. thousands of them. this line goes back as far as you can see. what the refuges can't see is a future. it took four hours for this bus to come and it barely made a dent in the line. sarmid is from iraq. where do you want to go? >> i haven't decided yet, but any country that is safe for me. >> reporter: to make matters worse, if they could possibly get worse, the route to western europe from here passes through so solvenia and they are cutting rail links to cut the migrants back. small tsunami reached japan after a huge earthquake on the other side of the pacific. the 8.3 magnitude quake rocked a region north of santiago, chile. the confirmed death toll this morning is 12 with five other people missing. the quake caused major damage in
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some areas and 1 million people evacuated the coast but local officials say chile was prepared for a big quake after 2010 disaster that killed hundreds. cuba is preparing for its first visit for the pope. the pope is expected to give a speech when he arrives in havana. yesterday, francis delivered a message on the cuban state television and told the nation that jesus loves you very much. the pope will spend four days on the island before coming could to the united states. we will look at the security challenge of the trip in our next half hour. today, a friend of accused charleston church shooter dylann roof is expected to appear in court in shook. joey meek was under investigation for allegedly knowing about plans for the shooting and not telling police. nine black church members were killed in the june attack. this morning, american airlines says there is no indication that its computers were hacked. a glitch yesterday delayed around 300 flights to and from
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american's hubs in dallas, chicago, and miami. passengers were unable to check in for flights for nearly two hours. the airline is still trying to figure out what caused the disruption. the federal reserve says the u.s. economy still needs record low interest rates. the fed decided thursday not to increase rates for the first time in nearly a decade. the fed chair janet yellen says a weakening global economy is still a threat. stocks were mixed on wall street after the announcement. the dow jones indurials and s&p 500 fell but the nasdaq contained more than four points. president obama has honored three americans who helped stop a potential terror attack. the three visited the white house yesterday and the president praised them for tackling a gunman last month on a crowded train. >> because of their quick thinking, because of their team work, it's fair to say that a lot of people were safe. we just want to say thank you to
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them for not only saving so many lives, but also for making america look so good. >> the defense department gave medals to all three. former president jimmy carter shows you you are never too old for public romance. take a look at this. he and his wife rosalynn appeared before kiss cam at turner field last night. they gave the fans something to cheer about. he turns 91 next months and those are their usual seats and they stay for all nine innings together. >> good to see them there. good to see them out. the new season of "thursday night football" is off to a dramatic start. kansas city led denver late in the fourth quarter, then peyton manning threw a touchdown pass to tie the score with 36 seconds left after the kickoff, the chiefs fumbled on their first place. bradley roby ran it back 21 yards to win it for the broncos 31-24. cbs coverage of sunday's game begin with "the nfl today" at
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noon eastern, 11:00 a.m. central here on cbs. prosecutors this morning call it one of the biggest insurance scams ever in california. ahead, where announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by "the martian." october 2nd only in theaters.
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pope francis will keep his security team very busy on his unit. >> ahead the challenges of protecting the pope who likes to interact with everyone he sees. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning."
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7:22 am
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ahead why recent on the field violence dims the light of friday night lights. a woman cleared of murder charges and now accused of a historical medical fraud case. your local news is next. ♪
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the artificial heart, this ielectric guitarsdoers, and rockets to the moon. it's the story of america- land of the doers. doin' it. did it. done. doers built this country. the dams and the railroads. ♪john henry was a steel drivin' man♪ hmm, catchy. they built the golden gates and the empire states. and all this doin' takes energy -no matter who's doin'. there's all kinds of doin' up in here. or what they're doin'. what the heck's he doin? energy got us here. and it's our job to make sure there's enough to keep doers doin' the stuff doers do...
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to keep us all doin' what we do. ♪ look out! >> in the hole! jordan spieth playing in the bmw championship lined up the par 3, 184 second hole. he hit a 7 iron. the ball landed a little bit short on the green. you saw it bounce, rolled, and in the hole. fourth ace he hit -- not this year. he hit his first ace when he was just 14 years old. >> he was using a 7 iron? >> 184. >> about my 7 iron. i don't know about you. >> no. mine is always about 120. >> i was lying. >> that is n.fu those guys were chasing the pin yesterday, right?
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>> jason day. i hope you have an ace today. coming up in this half hour, california doctor and his staffer are accused of giving patients surgery they never needed. it is part of an alleged scam that cost insurance tens of millions. ahead, why a defense lawyer thinks the charges are payback by prosecutors. plus, attacks under the friday night lights. is high school football becoming too violent after a recent string of assaults on the field? we explore those reasons ahead. time to show you this morning's headlines around the globe. "usa today" has new details about elapses in the handling of anthrax at a utah military lab. records show a scientist threw out a test tube that shows some of the anthrax samples were still alive. the same lab is accused of shipping live anthrax to dozens of labs for nearly a decade. oscar pistorious today will
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find out today if he is released from jail. last year he was snnentenced to five years for killing his girlfriend. if he is freed he will spend the rest of his sentence under house arrest. changes could be announced as early as today, the new rules would expand u.s. business activity in cuba such as allowing american telecommunications companies to open facilities there. they would also ease travel restrictions to make it easier f for cruise ships to travel to the island. carriers have to pay compensation when flights are cancelled or delayed for unforeseen technical problems. under eu law, airlines are protected if delays are caused by extraordinary circumstances. those include bad weather, strikes, and political instability. the "los angeles times" reports on plans to build a high-speed train from l.a. to las vegas with the help of china.
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the proposed rail line would be built in partnership with china's national railroad and run to las vegas along highway 15 from victorville, california. that route has already been approved. developers want to get permission to provide travel throughout the los angeles area. >> they are saying about 89 bucks which seems pretty reasonable. >> right. >> how long would it take? >> interesting story, the chinese helping build american railroads. >> shows off their technology too. >> indeed. los angeles investigators this morning call it one of the largest health insurance scams in california history. an orthopaedic surgeon and more than a dozen associates are charged with bilking insurance companies. the alleged total, more than $150 million. vladimir duthiers shows us how one defendant also made national headlines in a murder case. >> reporter: good morning. two grand jury indictments reveal what california prosecutors called an organized criinal enterprise with dr.
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munir as the ring leader accused of putting greed with allegations of conspiracy and insurance fraud spanning more than a decade. one-by-one, associates of dr. munir uwaydah pleaded guilty and some in botched surgeries and cheating insurance companies out of millions. according to the affiliated on tuesday the surgeon and his staff profited off a medical practice based on fraud in which they paid for illegal patient referrals and billed insurance companies for bogus exams and falsified mri and other records that justify surgeries some of which were never even needed. the most serious charge revolves around the surgeries themselves. the doctor said he would perform the operation when she hinstead
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done by an assistant. peter nelson would do the surgeries without the doctor in the room which is against the law. in a statement, prosecutors said those patients sustained lasting scars and many required additional surgeries and suffered physical and psychological trauma. >> this isn't your typical kind of med fraud case. they are going much higher level and claiming, hey, if you put people in danger. >> reporter: richard winston has been following the story for the "los angeles times." >> what sets this apart is essentially the enormous amount of cash involved. in the end, it does come down to one real big x-factor which is kelly supar. >> reporter: two years ago in a story featured on cbs "48 hours," the office manager was accused of stranging the doctor's ex-girlfriend, an aspiring model. at the time, prosecutors described park as a female james bond who was hired to take out
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redding after a business deal gone back between redding's father and the doctor. parker was cleared of all the murder despite the fact her dna was found at the crime scene and on redding's neck. the attorney george buehler stood by park and again on tuesday when she was arraigned on fraud charges. >> i don't think that she is guilty in this case. it can't help but occur to me that the district attorney's office may have an interest in making her suffer because she was acquitted and there may be some desire for payback. >> reporter: park is being held on 18.5 million dollars bail but the biggest question in the case? where is dr. uwaydah? an attorney who previously represented uwaydah said the doctor is not in cust. >> incredible investigation. thank you so much. pope francis is preparing to
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visit cuba this weekend and arrive in the united states next week. he'll make stops in washington and new york and philadelphia. allen pizzey is in rome with the challenge of protecting the people's pope. good morning, allen. >> reporter: good morning. six city and 11.5 thousand mile trip for the pope is packed with events that make it interests and exhausting for the vatican press pool. for those charged with making sure the pope gets to do everything he wants safely, it's all of that and a huge challenge more. in vatican city, the swiss guards are 500 years of experience protecting popes. when francis hits america next week, a major challenge for the police and secret service will be figuring out the difference between a threat and what is normal for a vip who is on his contact with people above his own safety. one swiss guard officer said off the record, when it comes to guarding pope francis, quote, we
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have had to put on our nickenik. he offers his tea that have not been checked for poison is a regular feature of his weekly appearance at st. peters square. imagine how american secret agents would react. francis took it and blew out the candle. how far will a pizza maker get if he tries to chase the pope in central park after this one was done in naples. when his motorcade was mobbed in rio de janeiro, francis didn't order his driver to hit the gas, he rolled down the window to shake hand. on a trip to the holy land, the israelis desperately wanted him to use a bullet-proof popemobile. francis dismissed as a sardine can and reportedly offered to sign a waiver accepting responsibility for his own
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safety. for those with the unenviable task, footwear might recommended for the foot guards. the foot guards serve part of the protection detail around the pope and are trained to use the same kind of lethal weapons to do the job as the secret service. how those two services perceive and react to any potential threats will be fascinating to say the least. >> i'm sure they would appreciate that recognition. allen pizzey in rome, thank you. isn't it interesting to see the crowds feed off his energy? >> i have heard the secret service is very worried about his trip to the u.s. more difficult than the ways to protect the president. at least the president has the big bullet-proof limousine where the pope does not and likes to travel very modestly. >> the popemobile is very different. >> the beast they call t the president's limo. high school football texas is a way of life but after
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recent attacks, some wonder if the game has lost its way. set your dvr so you can watch "cbs this morning" at any time. we will be right back. ♪ you tuck here... you tuck there. if you're a toe tucker... because of toenail fungus, ask your doctor now about prescription kerydin. used daily, kerydin drops may kill the fungus at the site of infection and get to the root of your toe tucking. kerydin may cause irritation at the treated site. most common side effects include skin peeling... ...ingrown toenail, redness, itching, and swelling. tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. stop toe tucking... and get the drop on toenail fungus. ask your doctor today about kerydin.
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r- millions of americans will spend their friday night watching high school football but recent cases of players attacking referees and each other are throwing a shadow off a great american tradition. some critics are asking if the game has gotten over hand. david begnaud is there in texas. >> reporter: good friday morning. texas leads the nation in school athletes. nearly 164,000 of them play bafootll right here in this state. that's more than california, georgia, and oklahoma combined. recent incident to make headlines occurred saturday at a fooling in san antonio. and it, too, involved a player assaulting an official. >> another -- oh, he just hit the referee!
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he just hit the referee! >> reporter: that shove got quarterback zeke carenas kicked off his team. >> he is escorted out of here right now. holy toledo, folks. >> reporter: on friday, fritz monicion received a suspension for this hit and was cut from his team. a week earlier near austin, a referee rah blind-sided and hit by two players of the mustranges players and now criminal charges are possible. >> i've seen kids, football players nothing like that. >> buzz bissinger is author of "friday night lights" first published 25 years ago. >> i love the violence and the violence has to be confined to the field of play.
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>> reporter: he thinks bad behavior seen at the professional and college levels inevitably trickles down to the high school football game. >> i see players going at each other. they are going to think, man, this is the way to do it. >> reporter: d.b. rutledge won four state championships and coached 25 years ago. he believes problems on the field reflect broader societal issues. >> in our country, the american tradition has changed and the lack of respect for authorities is one of the things we saw the other night that is really, really concerning. >> reporter: rutledge now the executive director of the texas high school coaches association, says he supports a zero tolerance policy for athletes and coaches. >> when they make really, really bad choices, really poor choices, they need -- there need to be really, really hard penalties that go along with that. >> reporter: -- >> way overboard. >> i'm glad they are saying they
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are a zero tolerance policy on that. >> to see a ref tackled not once, but twice is unbelievable. persistence pays off for a pair of dogs lost in the wood. we will show you an incredible story how unannocer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by petc o. what we feed them matters. petco.
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in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. how muwe saved today? think >>a lot. come in today for great deals like 10% off vinyl siding and asphalt shingles when installed through lowe's.
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otherwise, okay. i love this story! >> so sweet! unbelievable! >> tilly and phoebe. >> so sweet. senator bernie sanders is making his first visit to studio 57 this morning. he is one of the rising stars in the historic race for president. what makes him so competitive with hillary clinton? bernie sanders, ahead, on "cbs this morning." ♪ don't you forget about me ♪ but it still tastes good. yoplait! as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple?
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♪ it is friday, september 18th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including senator bernie sanders here in studio 57. we asked the presidential contender how he plans to take down the establishment candidate. but, first, here is a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >>thhen at questioner at his town hall called the president a muslim and a foreigner, trump did nothing to correct hawaii im president obama has signed an agreement with a country that says that to america. >> ho >> it will explain if military charges could send
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bergdahl to prison the rest of his life. >> buses are lined and and the refuges lined up as far as you can't see. the papal trip is pdacke with an event and making sure the pope gets to everything he wants safely is a huge challe e challenge. in the hole! >> i don't know about you. >> no. >> no? >> toss the candidates a nice softball asking them what woman they would like to see on the $10 bill. >> i would go with ronald reagan's partner margaret thatcher. >> congratulations to the dance on the 10 dollar bill, kim. i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and vinita nair. gayle king is off. donald trump usually makes news for what he does and says. this morning, he is getting hit for something he did not do or say.
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it happened at a town hall meeting last night in new hampshire. trump failed to correct a man who said president obama is a muslim and, quote, not even an american. >> the problem in this country, it's called muslims. we know our current president is one. you know he is not even an american. >> we need this question, this first question -- >> but any way! we have training camps rolling where they want to kill us. that's my question. when can we get rid of them? >> we are going to be looking at a lot of different things and a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there. we are going to be looking at that and plenty other things. >> the trump campaign responded to criticism with this statement from the candidate. quote, the media wants to make this issue about obama. the bigger issue is that obama is waging a war against christians in this country. their religious liberty is at stake. republican candidate chris christie was asked about the trump supporter this morning.
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christie said i wouldn't have permitted that and democratic candidate hillary clinton tweeted that trump's inaction was disturbing and just plain wrong. >> hillary clinton's main democratic rival in the presidential race is currently bernie sanders. he is with us this morning. sanders is ahead of clinton in iowa and new hampshire. the vermont senator calls himself a democratic socialist. thousands attend his rallies and his platform calls for ending income inequality. he sees answers in universal health care and paid family leave. he is the cover of this week's "time" magazine and pleased to have him here in studio 57. welcome. you're doing something right obviously. >> yeah. >> people talk about socialists and democratic socialists. for you, what does it mean? >> what it means is we should take a hard look at countries like denmark, norway, finland, other countries around the world which achieved some middle gains
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for the middle class and working families of these countries. we are the only major country on earth that doesn't guarantee health care to all of our people. the only other major country that doesn't have sick time to our workers and family medical leave and paid vacation time. many countries around the world make sure their young people can get free public college and free tuition at public colleges and universities. we have far more income and wealth disparity that most major countries on earth. what we have seen in recent years, proliferation of millionaires and billionaires, we continue to have the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country on earth. these are some of the areas that i think we have got to focus on. >> does it mean a lot more involvement of the government in our lives? >> what it does mean is that we are going to ask the wealthiest people in this country doing well and large corporations making billions of dollars in profits and not paying a nickel in taxes to start paying their fair share of taxes so we do not continue to see the
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disappearance of the middle class, do not continue to see 45 million people living in poverty and bring us a little bit more equality in the country than we kurmt ha currently have. >> would that mean taxing the wealthiest americans at 90%? >> i don't think you have to go up to 90% but you can remember that on the people like dwight david eisenhower, under him, we had taxes far more progressive than it was today. >> which was around 90%. >> we will come up with some very specific ideas. >> how can do you that? you're promising free health care for everybody, college for everybody, paid leave and you haven't yet said how you're going to pay for it and suggested you would tax the wealthiest americans at a rate of about 90%. >> i did not suggest that. >> what would you tax the wealthiest americans? how would you pay for this plan? >> this is what we would do on. if you want tuition-free public colleges and universities, which i believe we will have a tax on wall street speculation, which
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will more than pay for that. we will end the fact that profitable corporations, in some cases, in america today, pays zero in federal taxes because they stash their money in the cayman islands and bermuda. >> you want to raise the corporate taxes? >> yes. >> how much would you raise the corporate tax? >> you're seeing estimates and people see the estimates "wall street journal" is -- >> the "wall street journal" what they said and we responded to it, that included 15 billion dollars for national health care program. what they forgot to say is that you would not be paying and businesses would not be paying for private health insurance. so, in other words, right now if you're paying $12,000 a year for blue cross/blue shield would you not pay that. every study in the case we would lower that goal. >> you're calling for a single payer health care system but your home state of vermont tried that in 2011 and the democratic
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governor said we can't afford it and rolled it back. your own state can't carry that. how is america? >> every other country in the world does it. >> how did vermont figure it out? >> i'm not the governor of the state of vermont but you can ask the conservative of -- you can ask every other major country on earth how they guarantee health care to all of their people with far per cost per capita in the united states. you can ask how it is that we pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs 1 out of 5 americans can't afford the cost of prescription drugs in this country and fill the prescription. >> there is no disputing what you're talking about. i think what your own democratic governor and you're running as a democrat encountered in vermont is that while it was an ideal to give everyone health care for all, the ability for actually paying for it became the real problem and he didn't want to bust the budget in vermont. >> what we are talking about --
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number one, let's be clear. we spend far more per cap to on health care than any other country. 30% have zero health insurance and millions more are underinsured. no one debates that fact. how can you create universal health care for every man, woman and child and do it in an effective way? other countries do it. the united states of america can do it. i know the private insurance companies don't like this idea. we will put them out of business and the drug companies that are ripping off the american people and charging us the highest prices in the world don't like the idea. tough luck. >> two things. one, is it time to sort of lay out the specifics that you have in terms of spending priorities, as well as tax reform. >> sure. >> in terms of what level you'll be taxing and what the recommendations you'll recommend will be eliminated and all of that? >> the answer is yes. we have been in this campaign four and a half months and i haven't been able -- we have more information out there, more specifics than i think most other candidates. >> we have been talking so much about money. let's talk about your recent
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fund-raising. so many people come forward with tiny donation. what is it appealing to the small like $31 is the average? >> $31.21 but who is counting? >> these small donations are very different from the front-runner which is hillary clinton. >> well, look. i have said -- we don't have a superpac. i don't want one. i don't represent the corporate agenda and i don't represent billionaires. i don't want their money. but what we are trying to do is to see whether millions of people are prepared to make modest contributions, $31 to say that you know what? maybe we will create a government that works for ordinary americans and not just for the wealthiest people in this country who, today, clearly dom what goes on in congress. we have a campaign finance system through citizens united which is corrupt and it's undermining-- >> supreme court decision? >> yes. 5-4 decision said that billionaires like the koch
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brothers can buy the united states government and i want to overturn that and be dependent on small contributors. >> how do you defeat hillary clinton on march 1st super tuesday and some of those southern states? you have a plan to do that. how do you plan to do it? >> we do. again, only in this campaign in this four and a half months and initial put a lot of our resources into new hampshire and iowa and south carolina we are doing more. we think on super tuesday a lot of states out there we have a very good chance to win and we have enough money to put together a strong grassroots organization. we are going to, obviously, be doing tv and radio but we are also going to be having a whole lot of folks knocking on doors one-to-one, talking to people about who i am and what our program is. i think our program about raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour, about creating millions of jobs and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, dealing with climate change in a significant way will resonate with people all over this country. >> we are pleased to have you back to talk about that.
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>> we would love to have you back. >> thank you. >> still got months ahead, right. >>? >> we do. senator bernie sanders, thank you for being here. a reality show is unfolding. a story of scandal intrigue and
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only on "cbs this morning" the inside story of in-n-out burger. that is next on "cbs this morning." ♪ there is nothing new you and won't do ♪ from modeling. at hasn't stoe my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer.
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a double-double with fries animal style in you know what that means, you're probably a fan of in-n-out burger. many are loyal to the chain that began six decades ago in california and own on "cbs this morning," ben tracy brings u.s. a rare visit with the company's president to find the secret sauce of in-n-out's success. >> reporter: when in-n-out opened a new store in medford, oregon, this month, it brought his burgers to the pacific northwest for the first time! and that brought a long line of devoted fans. >> if there was a new wendy's or a new mcdonald's opening up at
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medford, would you wait in line? >> no. >> she drove three hours and stayed overnight in a hotel and showed up at 7:00 a.m. to get in line. why are people to devoted to this? >> you sound like someone who has never had an in-n-out burger! >> reporter: celebrities have been seen downing double-doubles on oscar night. julia child said it was one of her favorite burgers and what keeps most people coming back is a simple menu that basically hasn't changed since harry truman was president, burger, fries, sodas and shakes. >> it's about the quality, the friendliness and cleanliness and we keep it simple. the one thing you've used throughout the years is reclusive. you guys don't talk a lot about in-n-out or do interviews. why is that? >> we back away.
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we don't want to be in the spotlight and we don't want a lot of attention and we want to do what we do best, and that is serve good burgers to our customers. >> reporter: this got its start in 1948 when lynsi's grandparents opened a burger stand in baldwin park, california. they had a two-way speaker and created the first drive-thru burger join in california. down the road the mcdonald brothers were also selling hamburgers but the two companies took divergent paths. mcdonald's became a franchise and by 1976 had 4,000 u.s. stores. in-n-out had 18. today, mcdonald's has more than 14,000 u.s. stores, in-n-out, just opened number 304. every one still owned by the snyder family. what do you think your grandparents would think of seeing 304 stores and people packed in here? >> well, i think they would be amazed because they had no idea
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we would end up here. >> reporter: the food may be fast, but the company's growth is purpose entry so. in-n-out can be found in a few dozen counties in six states and each must be within miles of their distribution centers where their burger patties is made because at in-n-out, nothing is frozen or microwaved. store managers can make six figures. that could explain the service with an actual smile. i can tell you're excited about this. you really like this? >> oh, definitely! i love it! >> reporter: doing things their own way is why in-n-out has repeatedly turned down wall street. unlike its competitors which have raised hundreds of millions of dollars by going public. >> what can i get you today, sir? >> reporter: in-n-out is now estimated at an $1 billion but along with success there has also been tragedy. >> the flame hit the ground.
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>> reporter: lynsi's uncle ran the company nearly 17 years but he died in a plane crash in 1993. >> here we are at the grand opening of store number 96. >> reporter: her father guy took over but died of an overdose of painkillers six years later. eventually lnysi was the only heir left and she gains full control of the company when she turns 35. could you ever see a time where you go public or where you franchise or where you sell? >> no way. >> reporter: never? >> never. the only reason you would do that is for the money and i wouldn't do it. my heart is totally connected to this company because of my family and the fact that they are not here, you know, i have a strong tie to keep this the way they would want it. >> reporter: for nearly 70 years, that's ant selling burgers without selling out. for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, medford, oregon. >> our thanks to ben tracy for
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making us all hungry this early morning. ahead, we will introduce you to these triplets and how the parents tell them apart. you're watching "cbs this morning." the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured.
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them apart. >> by painting their nails. actor colin
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♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour from co-starring in fargo to playing a new father, colin hanks in our green room. we will get a new sneak of his piece "life in pieces" ahead. time to show you this morning's headlines. st. george, utah, reports on a student sent home on school because of his mohawk haircut. school officials say the haircut was too distracting and it is common among a seneca national tribe. he was able to return to school after a letter was written to school officials. new photos from pluto from nasa's news spacecraft. they released the images that were taken 15 minutes after the
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spacecraft's closest approach to the dwarfed planet. it shows thick mountains and thick haze floating through the sky. we want to bring you more of our conversation this morning with presidential candidate bernie sanders. during a commercial break, we asked about republican front-runner donald trump, not correcting a supporter who called president obama a muslim who is, quote, not even an american. >> i think it's a disgrace to, again, question whether or not the president of the united states was born in this country or whether he is a christian is, i thought we were beyond that. it's an outrage. >> you saw how senator mccain acted much differently when he was asked a similar question years ago. >> right. and to continue this mythology and this ugliness to suggest that the president of the united states was not born an american, we all remember trump was one of the leaders of this effort a year ago. i thought maybe he had learned something from that.
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this is not what american politics should be -- >> the other interesting thing about this is whether there is this mood in the country of which you're getting support from and he is also getting support from for very different reasons, but also for one principle reason that there is a feeling in america that something is dramatically wrong. >> something is dramatically wrong when the rich get richer and everybody else gets poorer, but that has nothing to do with whether or not president obama was born in america or whether he is a christian. >> and what about trump on immigration? >> well, i think he is dead wrong. i think clearly what we need is comprehensive immigration reform and we need a path towards citizenship for the 11 million people who are undocumented. >> it's interesting to see bernie sanders react in that way. >> indeed. >> i think there is universal criticism of that, even from republicans this morning. >> i look forward to him laying out his plan, as we talked about in the primary interview, in
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terms of exactly what he wants to do to achieve the goals he suggested. >> how it affects taxes as well. that is one big question. >> taxes, big thing. >> we will continue to cover that. we are exciting here at cbs because of new program on our show. colin hanks began his career as an extra in the 1996 movie "that thing you do." he earned an emmy nomination in his role of gus grimly in "fargo." he stars in gnaw comedy on cbs. he plays a first-time father dealing with the sfrtress of beg a new parent. >> i'm so happy! >> it's incredible! >> who is letting us leave the hospital? >> no. i mean, they could lose their license. i never even held a baby until yesterday! slow down! >> colin hanks, welcome to the table and to the cbs family.
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>> thank you very much. pleasure. >> i love that seen. many first-time parents can remember that and it was based on a personal experience you had, right? >> yeah. before we shot the pilot, we had meeting so i could meet zoe who plays my wife and we were sort of talking with the director and the writer and i just told the story about when i took my -- when my wife and i took our first-born from the hospital and we were crying tears of joy. the next thing i know, it's in the script and we shot it and they shot a whole other seen and plouffed that one in. i've learned now to keep the family secret. mum. i don't want the writers putting everything in. >> we mentioned "fargo" you also did "dexter." you've played a lot of dark roles and this is so fun. which is more enjoyable for you to play as an actor? >> the variety. spice of life i think a wise person once said. i want to try and do something different. when you wait for a really great show like "fargo," you spend seven years waiting for something great, and then in that seven years, they go and create an anthology series which
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means you only get to be on it once so you got to find something else. "life in pieces." the way it was written so funny, the structure of the show is different with the four short stories every week and telling this family's greater story and it was engaging and funny and the chance to laugh at work i will never turn that down. >> was it inevitable that you become an actor? >> not necessarily. you know? for whatever reason, wearing makeup and playing pretend seemed like a good idea. whether someone else in the family was doing it or not, i mean, i was, obviously, around for all of that, but i don't know. it just came naturally to me and something i always enjoyed. >> did he encourage you? >> he encouraged me to have as much fun as i possibly could have and do whatever it is i wanted to do but it needed to be what i wanted to do. and i was really -- >> more oversee to persuade you? was this like this is a really hard life? >> no.
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he said if this is what you want to do, great. but you have to want to do it because if you don't, it's going to drive you crazy. that proved to be right because even though it is what i love to do, it still drives me crazy from time to time. >> your mom rita wilson sort of described her battle with breast cancer. she is doing better now? all better. >> she has defeated it. it's not a ballots any more. she won so she is great and she's in good health and we are really, really happy. i'm incredibly proud of the strength she has displayed throughout this whole thing. she is an incredible strong woman. >> what is incredible about your step-mother is she bravely went out publicly. >> yes. >> to talk about it. >> she took it on. she took it head-on and was out there and really, you know, showing people a way to deal with it. not "the way" to deal with but "a way" to deal with this because everyone deals with these scenarios different and it affects people differently. >> what is the documentary?
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>> it is a film i spent seven years making it. it's the rise and fall of talow and it was started in my hometown. a lot of people are fond memories and something about this company. it was my candy store. i didn't have much of a sweet tooth. they started selling it in a drugstore in 1941. >> was that the central one? >> a lot of people think that. it was started in a drugstore in sacramento. it started in sacramento in the '60s and they had close to 200 stores around the world. >> we want to ask you about the comments your 4-year-old daughter made. since she is watching "star wars" and turns to you and said, "why aren't there more women"? >> yes. i showed her the first "star wars" and was explaining the first original episode 4 as us ner nereds like to say. i said there is a whole other
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"star wars" movie after this. we start watching "empire strikes back." she said, "boys, boys, boys, only one girl. what a bummer!" i was incredibly proud. the kids tend to put new lenses how you seize things. >> they point out things that perhaps we don't necessarily notice as adults. colin hanks, congratulations on the new show. so excited to have you here. >> thank you. >> you can watch the premiere of "life in pieces" monday night at 8:30, 7:30 central right here on where? >> cbs. >> cbs. a play about politics is compared to a musical version. how a real campaign advis
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♪ more than 20 major presidential candidates this morning remain in the race. had plenty of theater but a play near washington brings its own campaign intrigue. julianna goldman is on the stage in arlington, virginia, where fiction is getting help from a real political insider. julianna, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, at times, the fix hits a little too close to home from the songs to the characters. it captures the absurd and sometimes the other side of
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politics. ♪ >> reporter: the ultimate fix at significant theater is pure raw politics. an american dynasty is determined to stay alive after their patriarch dies. it shows the son is groomed by his mother, despite drugs, affairs, and criminal activity, a reluctant cal rides it through the political food chain. >> i would say it's the one candidate meches the othets the >> you are both successful people. congratulations. >> excuse me, one second. >> no. >> reporter: the 16-year-old play is timeless. >> it's funny when you see what is happening in the real world and what is happening on stage. >> reporter: a pivotal moment in chandler's fictional career is when the unhinged candidate breaks out. ♪ so i said [ bleep ]
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♪ i shoot straight from the hip ♪ >> reporter: voters in the flick like voters today are searching for a president who will do just that. there is democratic candidate >>rnie sanders. the people should not have to serve money and wealth. >> reporter: and then there is republican front-runner toneldo trump. >> i'm not taking all of this blood money. i'm now a politician, which is crazy to me. >> donald trump is cal chandler's biggest inspiration. >> reporter: how have you brought donald trump into this? >> every possible way. >> reporter: mark evans plays cal chandler. >> instead of playing the game i'm going to be honest and open and it kind of wins over the press and ultimately the public and the scores start rising. >> reporter: the show about politics wouldn't be complete without dinging the one here seen here busting a move around cal. the reporters are dancing around
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donald trump right now, do you see that? >> anything that would be a good headline. that is why the ensemble "start dancing "on "is not to break out in a musical number but a celebration fact this is amazing material. >> reporter: again, there is the real world. >> every time i speak, they put me on live television tlef television. >> reporter: but this fake candidate has a real political consultant. you've taken on cal chandler as a fictitious client? >> the only one to take cal on is fiction. >> reporter: he is the lead media consultant for the christie campaign but he has put his political expertise in use in promoting the play launching ads like this that even slam cal. would you say this is art imitating life or life imitating art? >> i think it's art taking life and expanding it, which is what makes it funny, which is what makes it entertaining because people see some truth in it, but, at the end of the day, they
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know, you know, thank god our system really doesn't work this way and cal really isn't running. >> reporter: now remember, the show was written in the '90s and they didn't rewrite anything about cal but the director says the character's appeal mirrors the real world with voters placing a premium on authenticity. >> looks like a lot of fun. thank you so much. up next, the most unforgettable moments of the wooebl
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that does it for us. vinita will be here tomorrow with "cbs news saturday." and watch our digital network at any time cbsn. as we end, let's take a look back at the week that was. have a great weekend.
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mr. trump, we don't need an apprentice in the white house. >> sophomore quality that is entertaining about mr. trump. >> women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. >> the list of republican critics of donald trump nearly as long as the very crowded debate stage itself. what would you want your secreret svice code name to be? >> ever ready. it's very high energy, donald. >> this fire is burning an area three times the size of manhattan. >> it's just utter chaos. nothing like it. >> oh, no! >> flooding heer in southern utah is now considered one of the deadliest weather events in state history. >> declared a state of emergency. the troops are pushing us back. >> north korea is taking aim at america saying the north could use nuclear weapons against america at any time. harshest treatment deng because he was not cooperating. you can see at night how
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intense these green lights can be. >> for the record, what is your top speed? >> 130 miles per hour. >> are you sure you're okay to drive? makes me uneasy. >> my hands are here. ♪ >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell, two of my favorite people. >> let's try to do some tv! ♪ >> djokovic joins us now with the trophy. >> with the trophy. >> blowing away the world record is katie ledecky. >> i will dou some freestyle. oh! >> have you no idea how cool this is! the drone is making its way down to where i am at the mezzanine level at this new subway
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station, about 80 to 85 feet below the street. >> running in the mountains is great. >> we are looking at what seems to be one body there but two brains? >> interact to create what we call the human condition. >> i wonder does everybody have a hundred billion neurons? i need a couple more. >> all that. >> don't worry but he was here in my seat. >> i told her i was on "the big bang theory." she said is that a porno? >> all that matters. ♪ >> pink floyd has become a category unto itself. ♪ we don't need no education >> would you like us to sing "we don't need no education? >> perhaps we could wait until
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after lunch. >> on "cbs this morning." >> on "cbs this morning." ♪ we this is a story about doers. >> on "cbs this morning." ♪ we it's also a story about canals and the artificial heart, electric guitars and rockets to the moon. in other words, this is the story of america- land of the doers. doin' it. did it. done. hard-working doers and smart-working doers. olds changed the way we put things together. and keepin'em together? that was walter's doin'. doers built this country. they built the dams and the railroads. ♪john henry was a steel drivin' man♪ hmm, catchy. they built the golden gates and the empire states. doers turn nothing into something. and something into something else. doin' got this nation done... along with the hula hoop, blue jeans and that little thing we call the interstate highway system. and all this doin'? it takes energy, no matter who's doin'. there's all kinds of doin' up in here. or what they're doin'. what the heck's he doin'? energy got us here. and it's our job to make sure there's enough energy to keep doers doin' the stuff doers do. to keep us all doin' what we do.
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like a lot of little circular dots. itchy, burning. it's pretty much everywhere, where i have pants. define very active? then maybe yes. you know, i'm gonna have to call you back. okay bye. find and book a doctor in private with zocdoc.
8:58 am
and when you bundle your home and auto insurance through progressive, you'll save a bundle! [ laughs ] jamie. right. make a bad bundle joke, a buck goes in the jar. i guess that's just how the cookie bundles. now, you're gonna have two bundles of joy! i'm not pregnant. i'm gonna go.
8:59 am
[ tapping, cash register dings ] there you go. [ buzzing ] bundle bee coming! it was worth it! saving you a bundle when you bundle -- now, that's progressive.
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czar of the popular 90s sit come sister sister. >> yamaa vansatte is here. >> this is great day washington. good morning. today on great day washington, we have michelle obama's makeup artist. >> wow. that's awesome. i love that. >> we you may remember why yama. the resident life coach on the o pri winfrey show. >> i never heard of her till


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